Asked Questions

The following is a list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding employment.


[Information Services,Passenger handling service] What level of language proficiency is required?
How will we improve our language skills once we join the company?


A basic, everyday conversational level of English proficiency is required.
After joining the company, employees are encouraged to improve their language skills through in-house English conversation lessons, self-study, and practice.


[Information Services,Passenger handling service] How do we communicate with visitors when we cannot communicate in English?


We use hand gestures, individual words, and translation apps. Help is also available from international staff.


[Information Services,Passenger handling service] Are there any particular experiences I should gain, skills I should learn, or qualifications I should obtain while I am still a student?


Improving your English conversation skills would be beneficial. Familiarity with Chinese and Korean is not required, but would be helpful since there are many visitors from these countries.


[Information Services,Passenger handling service] Are there any rules regarding personal appearance (hair color, makeup and nails for women, height of heels, etc.) at work?


Be sure to have a personal appearance (clean and neat, nothing that would interfere with your day-to-day tasks) that is not offensive to those around you and that will make a favorable impression. Makeup and nails should also be clean and unassuming.


After joining the company, in what ways did you feel a difference from what you imagined before joining the company?


Testimonials from senior employee:
・My impression was that the work would be graceful and gentle, but it was surprisingly physical.(Information Services,Passenger handling service)
・There was a lot of work knowledge to memorize, and I had to study every day for the first year after I joined the company.(Information Services,Passenger handling service)
・Despite the glamorous image associated with aircraft marshaling and pushback, there is a significant amount of work involved (which can be quite challenging at times) that customers may not be aware of. However, each of these jobs is essential to on-time operations.(Ramp Handling service)